Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Journaling Retreat with Tina Games

For those of you who journal and for those that want to begin journaling the Journaling Retreat conducted by Tina Games is an inspiring 6-week journaling retreat conducted online in a safe chat server entitled, Journaling Moms Cafe.

I have journaled for many years and was thrilled to participate in this wonderful and unique opportunity to explore "18 different journaling techniques that will connect with unconscious desires and wishes simmering slightly below the surface and outside of your awareness. If there are places you need healing, you will find them. If there are places to celebrate joy, you will find them. If there is a path or direction waiting for you, you will find it."
"Based on the work of Kathleen Adams, journal therapy pioneer and author of Journal to the Self, this workshop will offer tools to begin and maintain a journal, an understanding of its benefits, and the opportunity to practice several different journaling techniques."

The clarity I obtained through the techniques set me on a path where doors opened fully for my understanding and opportunity to take on a renewed and healthy outlook both personally and professionally. One of the techniques was poetry journaling and to be quite honest with I was a bit apprehensive since I am not a good poet at all. With shocking surprise I wrote the following poem using the alphabet sequence and it garnered a wonderful respones from Tina Games:

Attributes are important
Because it reflects the flip side of the
Coin in
Effectivness in
Freelance writing
Gigs that I
Just because I feel writing for
Kids I may be
Laughed at
Making me
Operate from a
Place of love and subsequently
Quit in the
Race of creating

The syntax may be off, but I was elated with Tina's feedback:

Donna -
For someone who feels she's "terrible with poetry" - this is AMAZING!
I love the flow of this piece. It feels effortless - and feels as if you were really rolling with the thoughts and emotions as they flowing through you.
Our fears really do hold us back from so much!

What if - you made a commitment to yourself for just one week - to say "NO" to any fears of criticism or rejection? And during that week, make a commitment to send out your work and decide that you're okay with the outcome, whatever it is - and that you will take any criticism with a grain of salt (taking what feels right and using it, and throwing out what doesn't feel right).
As Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, "Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase."

Give yourself the gift of faith,
Tina Games

"The Moonlight Muse"
Creativity and Life Purpose Coach

Visit Tina Games today, ~ you'll be happy you did!

Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome writing, Donna, and terrific feedback! I'm glad you've had such success journaling. It is something I'd like to get back to spending more time on one of these days.

    Thanks for the never ending inspiration:-)



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