Wednesday, December 2, 2015

#IWSG - December 2015 Installment - Book Signing Event or Not?

Welcome to the last installment of 2015 for the Insecure Writer's Support Group - #IWSG.

A great big shout out to the awesome co-hosts for the December 2 posting of the IWSG will be Sandra Hoover, Mark Koopmans, Doreen McGettigan, Megan Morgan, and Melodie Campbell! 

Don't forget to visit fellow #IWSG at... 

This month (or should I say every month) I'm dealing with my insecurity of holding a book launch signing event. I'm taking baby steps in overcoming my fear of envisioning an empty room with crickets chirping with little old me standing in the front of the room. I feel like a shrinking violet with my heart practically pounding out of my chest and sweat pouring down my back. I'm mentally begging for someone to show up besides my husband and daughters. Please Lord don't let me wither away!

Now it's time to strap on my big girl boots and get over myself. I've placed my initial outreach to four different locales for a book launch signing event to occur. I'm patiently or should I say impatiently waiting to hear back. Even though my latest children's picture book, Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters is due for release this month, I'm forecasting an event for January 2016 after the hubbub of the Christmas season. I'll keep you posted!

A bit about #IWSG...

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officiallyInsecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. Be sure to link to this page and display the badge in your post.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter hashtag is #IWSG


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Multi Award-winning Children's Author

Ignite curiosity in your child through reading!

Connect with

Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters ~ December 2015 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.

A Sandy Grave ~ January 2014 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2014 Purple Dragonfly 1st Place Picture Books 6+, Story Monster Approved, Beach Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Powder Monkey ~ May 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Historical Fiction 1st Place, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Hockey Agony ~ January 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention Picture Books 6+, New England Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. Good luck with the signings! I've never done one (that terror still awaits me), but everyone I know comes out of them smiling and excited. Can't wait to hear how they go for you!

    1. I hear you! I hoping that at least one of the four locations that I made contact comes through! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I'd argue that an empty room with no one showing up for a signing is not a complete loss. At least you'd be out of the house taking a step. You can consider it a rehearsal for upcoming more successful signings. Good luck!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Arlee, what a great way of looking at it. Love this concept! Thanks for visiting!

  3. As a hermit/ochlophobe, it's a toss-up as to how I'd feel at a book signing. Probably bittersweet if no one showed, but for people who aren't me, I say don't worry! Someone who you didn't birth or marry will show up! lol

    1. I sure hope so! Thanks for your heartwarming words of encouragement. Thanks for visiting!

  4. You can do it! No crickets - tons of people.

    1. Thanks a bunch Alex! You always know what to say!

  5. Good luck, Donna! It is a scary thing. My book signing for Little Bug is Saturday, and I am praying for more than family to turn out!

    1. Good luck Karin! I will be with you in spirit. I so wish we lived closer! I would be there with bells on!

  6. Good luck. I hope you get packed crowds!

  7. I can't share any personal experience of book signings, but I know I'm terrified of being in front of groups. But I often find it's the anticipation, not the actual doing it, that's hard. And then afterwards, I wonder why I was so nervous. Plus, you'll be talking about something you know a lot about, which helps. Good luck!

  8. Donna, I sold 30 novels at one book signing and zero at another. It is a frightening time, but it can be fun. You've asked a friend or friends to come along, right? Family will be there. Pretend it's your birthday and you're the centre of attention. Mostly just smile and feel good about your accomplishment. You have a new book out. Well Done!!!

  9. Just as Joylene said I've sold 30 and I've sold 1. The book signing where 1 woman showed up, she happened to be the director of the county library system. Because of her I've sold dozens to libraries. Just have fun no matter what!
    Good Luck!


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