Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Remain Focused is the Key

With so many outside interferences in our can one remain focused on the task at hand? Whether it be fine-tuning a magazine article, marketing and connecting with other writers, researching different markets to query or send a manuscript to. The tasks are endless, but exhilarating.

I have found it most helpful to keep a few different To Do lists; such as Work In Progress, Reading Material, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Goals, Follow-up and General To do items. I find immense satisfaction in finishing a task and crossing it off a particular list. It reminds me that I have made yet another small step for writers kind in achieving my writing and publishing aspirations.

Yesterday, I finally checked off creating a blog and joining a monthly writer's coaching group on my To Do list. Even though these two tasks were not completed manuscripts or queries it still is a very important aspect of getting my presence known.

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