
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

D is for Decency - #atozchallenge 2016

DECENCY is a powerful way of living life with a positive attitude towards fellow human beings and all living creatures. The act of simple courtesy of holding the door open, a pleasant hello, allowing the car alongside you to merge in ahead of you, listening to and respecting someone’s opinion (even if it differs from yours) goes a long way in creating a true sense of decency. The list is endless.
It’s not difficult at all, if you think before you react with a positive response to most situations it will surely result in harmony with others that you may not have realized before.

I’m a junkie for engagement on my blog and would enjoy hearing how you instill decency in your daily life. Thanks for visiting!

Be sure to visit fellow A-Z Challenge 2016 participants!


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Multi Award-winning Children's Author

Ignite curiosity in your child through reading!

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Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters ~ December 2015 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2016 Story Monster Approved

A Sandy Grave ~ January 2014 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2014 Purple Dragonfly 1st Place Picture Books 6+, Story Monster Approved, Beach Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Powder Monkey ~ May 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Historical Fiction 1st Place, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Hockey Agony ~ January 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention Picture Books 6+, New England Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. I love that you chose decency and I try and show it
    everyday as I want my son to see it in action and
    use it as well. From opening doors to Thanking
    people in the Service, police and Firemen. And
    just telling someone hello and I like something
    about them. As seeing someone smile is a nice
    way to make you smile. And if I can open a door
    for you I will.

    1. Yes, showing my example is essential! I agree with you full heartedly. You have already opened a door for me by visiting. I look forward to staying connected!

  2. We need more decency in this world! I try to always smile at people. I try to engage with people positively by telling them I love their beautiful scarf or sweater etc., or just eagerly help them if in need. Usually a warm smile opens the door to further positive interaction. I feel great if I've made at least one person's day just a tiny bit better.

    1. It's amazing what a smile can do, isn't it! I like the idea of commenting on their clothing.

  3. I always try to be super nice to cashiers, waiters/waitresses and other people working who have to give me some form of service. I want them to know their effort is appreciated.

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. Most definitely and not only does it brighten their day, it brightens ours by doing so!

  4. I have it most of the time, some days though away it may flow lol

  5. Daily decency is part of my job as an administrative assistant. I must keep smiling and sound friendly and helpful at all times!

    1. I know exactly where you are coming from being an administrative assistant at The Salvation Army. Good for you!

  6. I agree with think before you speak, or just don't say anything at all. Nowadays - on Facebook, just enjoy folks' vacation posts or kid pics. Decency goes downhill with politics and religion. Try to take your turn in traffic or at the lunchmeat counter. Good post

    1. The politicians are draining society. I stay away from all the nasty debates, not worth my time!

  7. Sad to say decency is not seen/shown much today. I try to teach my children to respect people's property, to say please when they ask for something, etc. Now if I can get them to not fight with each other so much.

    1. Showing by example is essential. I don't think siblings will ever overcome their little battles...oh well!

  8. If we all acted with decency we'd have a world without war and world without crime. Utopia! At it's heart is the word you've chosen today. Thanks, Donna.

  9. I like the idea of decency as opposed to respect. Respect is earned. Kindness and decency should be givens.

    1. I agree with you full heartedly. Thanks for visiting!

  10. I agree. Decency is indeed a powerful way of living. Small acts of humane behaviour go a long way, in making life easier for one and all.

    1. Amen! Well said. It's all about the ripple effect in a positive manner.

  11. We can do with Decency a lot around us as it never goes out of fashion.

    1. Thankfully it never does! Thanks for visiting!

  12. I love that you chose Decency as your topic for today. When someone goes out of their way to be nice to us, we're almost surprised these days because it's the exception, not the rule. We are so busy that we forget that it's not all about us! Found you through the A to Z Challenge. www.dianeweidenbenner.com

    1. So true, it's important to realize there is so much to the world than just us and our lives. Spreading decency certainly helps us in learning that. Thanks for visiting!

  13. I believe in showing decency toward others too. In general, I treat others the way I'd like to be treated.

    1. Amen! What you put out to the universe is what you get back!

  14. I'm all for it, however, the world is full of rude people and getting worse all the time. Pity!

    1. We have to blanket people with decency and hopefully it will have a ripple effect!

  15. Talking about holding the door open for others - that seems to be my life's mission! Even more interesting are the myriad different responses I get when showing this little decency

    Open Minded Mormon A-Z

    1. It's bizarre isn't it. I'm always shocked when people don't appreciate it!

  16. My mother is an advocate of decency...which she drummed into our heads from a young age.
    I think it's a simple concept...just be a good and kind human being to all who you meet.
    Writer In Transit

    1. I agree it's a simple concept, but unfortunately some people don't get it!

  17. Great post, Donna! Decency is so very important and is something I try to display in my daily life as well as foster in my children. The world needs more of it these days!


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