
Educator Guides

Hockey Agony Educator’s Guide - FREE with purchase 
The Hockey Agony Educator's Guide is a comprehensive across the curriculum based teaching tool for English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and as well as Homeschooling families. 
Book Summary/About the Author 
Interview with Author, Donna McDine 
Interview with Illustrator, Julie Hammond
Language Arts
Journal Entry, Word Search, Vocabulary, Language of Hockey
Integrated Language Arts/Social Studies
Topics for Group Study, Presentation Boards
Social Studies/Economics/Geography
NHL Hockey Map, State That Team, Professional Considerations, Hockey History, Important Names in Hockey
Skeletal System, Broken Bones and First Aid
Resurfacing Ice, Zamboni
Integrated Science and Math
Freezing Point of Water
Distance, Clock/Time
Health and Relationships
Anger Management, Bullying and Peer Pressure, Character Development
Books and Media Suggestions 
Resources/End Matter
Word Find, Word Find Answer Key
Contact Donna at donna@donnamcdine.com with order number and email receipt to request the FREE PDF file.

Powder Monkey Educator’s Guide - FREE with purchase 
The Powder Monkey Educator's Guide is a comprehensive across the curriculum based teaching tool for English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and as well as Homeschooling families. 
Language Arts
Journal Entry, Photo Inspired Story, Word Search Info, Vocabulary, Nautical Language
Integrated Language Arts/Social Studies
Topics for Group Study, Presentation Boards
Social Studies and Math
Timeline, Mapping and Geography, Navigational Math, Calculations, Measurement,
Bell Time, Make an Anemometer, Make a Wind Gauge, Recipe Math, Cooking
Wind Vane, Story of Navigation, North Star, Make a Sextant, Make a Compass,
Moon/Gravity/Tides, Sea Currents, Animals on Board
Science and Technology
Health, Hygiene, and Personal Safety
Diet and Deficiencies, Sea Legs and Motion Sickness, Ear Care and Loss of Hearing,
Personal Hygiene/Sanitation
Knot Tying, Bullying/Violence, Bullying Resources
Bullying Resources/Powder Monkey Book Suggestions
Contact Donna at donna@donnamcdine.com with order number and email receipt to request the FREE PDF file.

The Golden Pathway Educator’s Guide - FREE with purchase
The Golden Pathway Educator's Guide is a comprehensive across the curriculum based teaching tool for English, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Art teachers, as well as Homeschooling families. Teacher’s can select one activity from the guide to engage the students with during the author visit.  


  • Language Arts: Writing/Vocabulary
  • Integrated Language Arts/Social Studies: Topical Study/Presentation Boards
  • Social Studies: Timeline, Mapping and Geography
  • Math: Map Work Mathematics, Calculations, Time, Recipe Math, Quilt Math
  • Science: Astronomy, Skin, Plants and Crops, Alcoholism, Five Senses
  • Role Playing, Disguises and Escape/Safe Houses
  • Toys and Games of the 19th Century: Make a Rag Doll, Make a Nettie Doll, Information on Games/Toys
  • Songs of Slavery and the Underground Railroad: Background Information and Lyrics
  • More Fun Art Projects, Activities, and Resources: Coloring Sheets, Printables, Juneteenth, Make A Tin Can Lantern
Contact Donna donna@donnamcdine.com with order number and email receipt to request the FREE PDF file. 

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