My blog Write What Inspires You! offers writers of all levels an opportunity to learn from children authors, illustrators, editors, publishers, and writing coaches with personal interviews, book reviews, events, and valuable freelance writing resources. Up-to-date information will also keep readers informed on new releases at Guardian Angel Publishing and the monthly Guardian Angel Kids Ezine.
I invite you to become a guest blogger at Write What Inspires You! Submit your suggested topic today at
Submission Guidelines:
- Theme: Children's Book/Magazine Industry
- Title of your blog article
- Blog article between 250-300 words.
- Third person bio (no more than 3-5 sentences) with a link back to your website and/or blog. Please do not have your bio longer than your article.
- JPEG headshot or image pertaining to your article
- Non-paying market. NOTE: As a guest blogger you have the opportunity to reach others who are outside your general network.
- The Write What Inspires You! blog averages between 475-625 visitors per day. Of course this fluctuates with marketing efforts by the blog owner and visitor through their networks, Twitter, Facbook, Google+, Pinterest, etc.
Happy Blogging!
Best wishes,
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