
Monday, April 4, 2016

C is for Calm - #atozchallenge 2016

I often envy those that can remain CALM in any situation that is thrown them. How do they do it and not allow others hyper-ness or negativity distill their sense of calm? 

For many years my reaction to situations I could not control or the added pressure of life circumstances was to become anxious and tense. Overtime through different human relationships and reading about what meditation can do for your mind, body and soul I began “practicing” it on a daily basis. Once meditation became a habit and I was able to invoke deep breathing practices even with my eyes open while tending to the situation at hand, my inner self has become calmer with a step by step reaction to most situations.

By taking a proactive approach of small steps rather than focusing on the big picture, I’m able to dissect most situations with a sense of calm. For instance, last year when my husband was diagnosed with eye-socket and eyeball cancer I immediately went into research mode. Coupled with patience and calmly listening to the doctors and absorbing what the action plan was to ensure my husband’s health I was much more useful to my husband and daughters rather than becoming an emotional wreck. Not to say I didn’t have my moments.

I am a true believer of meditation and prayer to invoke a sense of calm in one’s life and highly recommend you giving it a chance. After 20 plus days of focusing on a sense of calm, it will become a habit you will cherish.

I’d enjoy hearing what you do to invoke calmness to your daily life. Thanks for visiting!

Be sure to visit fellow A-Z Challenge 2016 participants!


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Multi Award-winning Children's Author

Ignite curiosity in your child through reading!

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Dee and Deb Off They Go Kindergarten First Day Jitters ~ December 2015 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2016 Story Monster Approved

A Sandy Grave ~ January 2014 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2014 Purple Dragonfly 1st Place Picture Books 6+, Story Monster Approved, Beach Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Powder Monkey ~ May 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Historical Fiction 1st Place, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

Hockey Agony ~ January 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ 2015 Purple Dragonfly Book Award Honorable Mention Picture Books 6+, New England Book Festival Honorable Mention 2014, Story Monster Approved and Reader's Favorite Five Star Review

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. I have this weird ability to look calm in a crisis but underneath I'm holding all the tension. It's a good way to be and I'm trying to change it. #atozchallenge

    1. I suggest you breathe and scream into a pillow or scream in your car with the music really loud. It's works for me every time!

  2. I'm still working at 'being calm' status. If a situation arose during the workplace (I was a School Director) I could easily respond rationally and calmly because I knew my stuff. However, in my personal life I am not so good and have been known to over-react and have a freaky moment. But, I do reflect a lot and learn how to go about things better (next time). Great post!!

    1. Journaling helps me tremendously when working through anything and of course always writing my gratitudes!

  3. When I was younger, I used to worry a lot...about all sorts of things. I've learned that there are lots of things beyond my control and so I've learned not to stress so much any more.
    It also depends on the situation at hand.
    Writer In Transit

    1. I hear you that it all depends on the situation. Good luck and thanks for visiting!

  4. Thanks for the reminder, Donna! I am not always very good at calm but do try. Prayers that all continues to go well with Tom!

    1. I am also not calm all the time, but trying my best to not let things stress me out. Thanks for the well wishes for Tom!

  5. Prayer is key to making me calm. I've found that age has also mellowed me as well.

    1. Prayer is powerful and I agree full heartedly that age mellows us!

  6. The older I get the less I give a umm crap haha so my calm is fine these days

    1. I hear you! It's so nice not to be in the impressionable days of middle school and high school and worrying about what others think of you. Glad that was such a small part of my life.

  7. As I get older, I get better with this. I'm also getting good at blocking out other people's negativity and toxic behavior. I don't want to make their problems mine.

    Piper Presley
    C is for Coming in Hot: A Squad of Sexy Firefighter Romances Multi-Author Boxed Set

    1. Amen for blocking out people's negativity and toxic behavior. Way to draining both physically and mentally!

  8. So true. Meditating, prayer, reading, walking, playing piano, talking with a friend, all those things help keep a sense of calm and reduce tension. Great post.
    Mary at Play off the Page

    1. It sure does! All those things and it definitely sets a positive mindset!

  9. I have a calm looking face so no one gets that I get pretty stressed out. I'm actually going to start daily relaxation time outs as of today so a very appropriate post for me.
    Writing Women’s Fiction

  10. A good spontaneous run or walk can help calm and allow the mind to focus on task. I find that I have more logical thoughts when I jog for 50 yards, than sitting for an hour in front of the computer.

  11. Doing yoga in the morning helps me start my day with calm. I can't say it always stays that way but it's a start!
    Rosa Temple writes...

    1. Yoga is wonderful. I'm a Pilates person and it certainly helps!

  12. I've been practicing yoga for many years. I wish I could say I'm always calm, but that would be a lie. I'm sometimes able to become calm by putting that practice to good use. I also hike. That's like a meditation for me.

    1. It's nearly impossible to be calm 100% we just have to do our best. Yoga and hiking is splendid!

  13. Finding that inner calm and drawing energy from it is hard, especially in troubled times, but it sure is a lifesaver. Great post!!

    1. I never ever watch the news before going to bed. It gets me tossing and turning watching the troubled times around us. Glad you enjoyed my post!

  14. I am often surprised by my ability to remain calm in most situations. I'm not sure it is something I learned or always had. I feel the fear, the tension of a given situation, but for some reason, I'm able to keep focused. I'm grateful for it.

    As for meditation, I've never been good at that and admire those who are. That sort of focus is something I struggle with.

    1. Keeping focus is imperative. Good for you that you remain calm most of the time! Kudos!

  15. Remaining calm is definitely a great skill. I've had my share of tough times as well, but remaining calm has definitely helped other stay that way too.

    1. I hope you navigated your tough times. I find that if one person gets overworked and excited it has a ripple effect on those around them. It works the same way with remaining calm.

  16. I hope your husband is doing okay. I can imagine how it would be hard to stay calm in a situation like that and I think you were wise to educate yourself about the subject.

    1. He is doing very well. It's been almost a year since all the surgeries and the doctors are very pleased with his progress. Thank you for your warm words of support. Thanks for visiting!

  17. I think I'm pretty good and looking calm on the outside during tense situations, but inside it can be a different thing. I've just never seen the point in blowing up over something I can't control and have to roll with.

  18. I pray, walk, and use essential oils. Those three seem to work together fairly well. Stretching, yoga, regular exercise, and good amounts of water (not too much and not too little) all seem to help, too.
    Praying for your husband's health and yours.

    1. Thank you so much for the prayers. Hubby is doing well and the doctors are pleased with his progress. My cousin starting selling essential oils, I need to check into it. Yes, prayer is powerful!

  19. I have hidden the Word of God in my heart. I become still and know He is God over the situation. I then focus on Him who is bigger than the issue at hand. The peace of God surpasses my understanding and I know all is well.

    1. Well said Emma! Heartwarming! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Great post. Yoga really helps with keeping calm :-) Good luck with the rest of the challenge.

    1. Thanks, glad you like me post! Yoga seems to be the main ingredient for many!

  21. Fantastic post...this should be required reading! Finding calm and quiet is so important.


    1. How touching! I'm delighted you like my post! You've made my day!

  22. Definitely a lot of prayer. I'm the same way, very quick to get anxious, so I try deep breathing and prayer.

    1. Prayer is essential along with the deep breathing!

  23. Despite not being heavily in favor of organized religion, I have to admit that returning to daily Mass and prayer has helped my calm a lot. Even the chance to sublimate those annoyances at various people really helps. I try to meditate/pray at home but I get distracted too easy. Good luck with your practices!

    Anne from annehiga.com

    1. Thanks for your thought provoking and honest post. I've enjoyed visiting with you!


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