Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Author, K.L. Going

This has been quite the eventful day!

As many of you know I am a Middle Grade Book Reviewer for The National Writing for Children Center and I just completed and submitted my review of, "The Garden of Eve," by K. L. Going.

I was so inspired by the book that I sent a personal email to K. L. Going stating how much I enjoyed the book and that I just finished my book review. She expressed interest in the book review and I forwarded it to her immediately.

Her response was one of pure delight! She wrote:

"Oh thank you! Would you mind if I post this review on my web site? It's beautifully written..."

I am honored that such an established author as K.L. Going is that she praised me on my writing!

Please do stop by and visit her at and don't forget to pick up your copy of "The Garden of Eve."

I will post the links to my book review at my blog once I receive them.

Have a wonderful day of unexpected connections!

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