Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Writing Goals

Here we are six days into 2010 already. The kids are back at school and the normal "routine" is back in full swing.

I've never worked off a weekly marketing plan to keep myself focused before, even though I've done a daily check-in with a writing buddy to keep me focused on my tasks (thanks to Kristi Holl). Coupled with the weekly marketing plan suggested by Suzanne Lieurance at the CWCC I began the new year in full swing with breaking down each day with specific categories. And I have to tell you it felt great to sit down yesterday to re-visit my previous goals in 2009 and to get rid of what wasn’t working and to expand on what has been working. It truly provided me a game plan to hit the ground running or should I say the good old pen, paper, and keyboard.

My main goals for 2010:
  • Network: visiting and commenting on blogs, conducting interviews for my monthly newsletter, and book reviews
  • Develop my marketing plan for The Golden Pathway to be published by Guardian Angel Publishing
  • Complete the monthy assignments with the CWCC
  • Attend the weekly teleclasses at the CWCC
  • Finish the edits on my historical fiction manuscript
  • Finish the rewrites and edits on my picture book
  • Keep my blog fresh and exciting 
I'm also learning not to put too much on my plate so I don't become overwhelmed and not accomplish a thing because my list becomes too daunting.

What are your writing and marketing plans for 2010? I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous new year!



  1. Hey, Donna,

    I love the New Year because it's like a "fresh start" to my writing and my coaching business.

    Members of the CWCC will learn how to make just 3 major goals for 2010 and then learn how to STICK to those goals in this month's lesson, which is in the club files now.

    Happy New Year, Donna, and happy writing!

    Suzanne Lieurance
    Children's Writer's Coaching Club

  2. Donna-
    I'd love to interview you about your marketing activities. Any chance you'd like to make a blog appearance??

  3. Dear Donna,

    Sounds like a great plan. I, too, have decided to get organized this year. I've set out specific days for marketing, networking, research and writing. That way I will actually make progress on all things and not just spend all day surfing the internet.

    Good luck!

  4. My 3 main goals for 2010:

    1) Finish my YA supernatural thriller
    (writing 1-2 hours every weekday or finishing a chapter a week)

    2) Write the first draft of one picture book a month

    3) Regularly submit my work to publishers and agents, on a weekly basis each week

  5. Hi Donna,

    Thanks so much for sharing your goals for 2010. I too want this to be my most productive writing year yet.
    My goals for 2010 are as follows:

    1. Write for two hours each day consistently
    2. Send one article out per month to magazines
    3. Write one new article per month
    4. Do a lot more marketing research every month
    5. Write three new picture books and send a query to publishers when I am finished the first draft for each of them.
    6. Fill out a marketing plan each week and follow it.
    7. Attend the weekly tele-classes at the CWCC.

    For more information about my goals and other writing related blogs please visit my blog at:

    Have a productive and Healthy 2010!


  6. Won't go into a list, but I've lots of promotional plans for the final book of my YA series. Want to send it out with a bang!
    As a speaker, my goal is to contact 100 new opportunities by March and set 50 engagements this year.

  7. Thank you one and all for stopping by and sharing your goals with me. Best wishes to you all for a succcessful 2010!


  8. Hi Donna:
    I have a long list of things to accomplish. I am ready to start submitting completed stories to some select children's magazines and also to promote affiliates. I have a chapter book that I have brushed the dust off of and want to get going on it again.

  9. 1. Continue to submit 2 short stories or articles each month.

    2. Always have one mss which I'm editing/shopping around & another that I'm writing from scratch.

    3. Keep up monthly on my individual & group blog.

    4. Submit to crit groups as I see they are helping.

    5. Go to local meetings, take online courses & try for ACFW conference this year to improve my writing.

    6. (This is really #1) Draw closer to God so He shines through my writing.

  10. Happy New Year, Donna! Good luck with your goals. Sounds like you're on your way.

    I'm focusing on finishing, finishing, finishing this year. I have two almost-finished projects that have been hanging around far too long and a new project that I'd like to get done in a timely fashion.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi Donna,

    Happy New Year to you. Good luck with your writing goals this year.

    My writing goals for 2010 include:

    *sending out queries for my early chapter book and young adult novel,
    *completing a third book manuscript,
    *creating and querying four magazine articles,
    *co-developing a screenplay,
    *keeping my blog and web page current.

    Patricia Shirra
    Children's & Young Adult Author

  13. Hey Donna

    My main goal is to finish editing my novel called Run!... the novel is my baby and I just want to get it published already lol

    I also have many other goals like opening my own at home web design business and all that fancy stuff, but Run! is my number 1 priority this year!

    Thanks for sharing your goals dear

  14. Hello All:

    I continue to enjoy reading about everyone's goals. Best wishes for your success!


  15. That's great that you have your goals mapped out. :0) I'm trying to make several improvements this year, too!

  16. Love reading everyone's goals. Mine are:

    1. Get organized so I can find things.
    2. Query YA contemporary novel.
    3. Finish MG paranormal story.
    4. Edit YA contemporary novel (new one.)
    5. Possible sequel to another book.
    6. Keep my blogs up to date better.
    7. Rough draft, YA historical.

    Have a great year.

  17. Thanks, Donna, for inspiring so many people with your goal setting and your encouragement.

  18. how to STICK to those goals in this month's lesson, which is in the club files now.

    Work from home India


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