Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Tidbits from the Internet from Children's Writing Update

Here is a glimpse of what Children's Writing Update by Children's Book Insider offers in their newsletter. Be sure to check them out at:

Tidbits from the Internet

Big Universe - Online children's bookshop where you can read and purchase electronic picture books, or create your own for online publication. Their URL is Here's a recent piece from Publisher's Weekly about the site.

JacketFlap - Terrific social networking site for children's book writers, illustrators, librarians and publishing professionals. Free and very easy to use. Highly recommended. (And, after you sign up, visit our JacketFlap page to become added as one of our friends.) - Awesome free tool that allows you fax any document from your computer - without fax software. Lots of other neat ways to share files, too.

Authonomy - A new site, now in beta testing, from HarperCollins that has industry folks buzzing. It will be a social network site that will allow writers to upload manuscripts, which will be read and judged by other members of the network. The site will use "the public’s recommendations to search out the cream of the crop – and showcase those titles to the book world at large". The actual site will be at There's a company blog up now which addresses common questions. Here's some of what the rest of the blogosphere is saying.

Snopes - Every day I get a forwarded message from some well-meaning person. Bill Gates is giving money away...Barack Obama is this....John McCain is that....a new computer virus will suck your soul out of your body. It usually takes me all of 3 seconds to determine that it's a hoax, thanks to the venerable database of urban myths. If you get a forwarded message, before you drop your entire address book's contents into the CC: section and hit send, please, please, please check it out on Snopes first. (Also, for writers, the site is a hoot -- filled with all kinds of wildly imaginative stuff that you can you use to spark your own ideas. Just be sure to put them in your next book rather than your next mass e-mail!)


  1. Thanks for all of the great information in this post. It will be very helpful in the future. I always enjoy reading your blog and I learn something new everytime.


  2. Hey Donna, you have some great tips. Snopes is a new one to me.



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