
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Countdown Continues

12 Days to Go! Time Flies! Even more so around the holidays! I'm busting at the seams and for those that know me, know I love to talk. To keep the lid on this has not been easy.

To recap:
It's not a book deal...but it is an offer just as good!

It's the best of both worlds...keeps me writing and working from home...which is very important to my availability for my family.

This is my last teaser/hint for 2009...stay tuned for January 1, 2009!

Blessings for a Joyous Holiday Season and Happy New Year!


  1. Okay, counting down. Writing and working from home sounds like a good deal. Also a great way to celebrate a new year.


  2. It's right around the corner- can't wait to hear the big news!

    Happy Holidays!

  3. Hey Donna! just popping over to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! hope you have a wonderful, restful holiday!


Thank for you taking the time out to visit with me and to learn about my writing career.

Please be sure to leave your blog address so I can reciprocate.

I look forward to visiting you too.