
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Penny and Rio ~ The Locked Doghouse Mystery Book Review

Title: Penny & Rio – The Locked Doghouse Mystery

Written by: Jennifer Swanson

Illustrated by: Swapan Debnath

Ages: 4-8

Publisher: Mirror Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-936046-10-2

Published: August 2009

Softcover: 44 pages

Price: $11.99

Penny and Rio find themselves paw deep in their latest mystery when Hobbes, a huge Great Dane and new next door neighbor seeks them out for their expert detective skills. Not one to be easily intimidated, Penny stands her ground and listens intently of the new case thrust upon them. The dilemma and determination of Hobbes’ friend Squeaky to get into the old locked doghouse draws in the four legged detectives immediately. And with the evasiveness of Squeaky, Penny’s curiosity is piqued further and she pleads for her sister, Rio, to quit her napping and help in finding the missing key and gaining entry.
“Come on, Rio, I’ll let you have my bone tonight,” Penny smiled. Rio stopped. Her eyes narrowed. Say it’s for the next two nights, and you’ve got a deal.”

Up against an impossible deadline of less than a day, the cleverness of each is put to the test while on the case of finding the lost key. Will they make it in time? Ms. Swanson brings to life the adventures of Penny and Rio with such humanistic characteristics the reader forgets they are on a journey with animals. Children will certainly enjoy reading about the detective skills of such ingenious dogs.

Jennifer Swanson was born with the love of reading and at the age of 5, was already writing and illustrating her own stories. She is a 1990 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, a former chemistry teacher, a current graduate student and substitute teacher. Learn more about the author and Penny and Rio at: http://www.pennyandrio.com/.

I'm excited to also share with you the back cover which quotes books reviews. And this is a first for me, I'm quoted!


  1. Jennifer,
    I'm envious. I wish I were able to paint the pictures in my mind, but I'm just an author =+) Congratulations on your publishing success.

    You go girl! I'm happy your review landed on the back of a book.

    J. Aday Kennedy
    The Differently-Abled Children's Author
    Coming this winter Klutzy Kantor picture book

  2. A mystery, an adventure, and doggie detectives--what a neat story line. Congratulations on your book, Jennifer.

    Nice review, Donna. And woo hoo for being on the back cover.



  3. Post for Suzanne Marion:

    Very nice review, Donna, and congrats for being quoted on the back of the book. Sounds like a cute book. Thanks for sharing.

  4. As soon as I saw the cover, I smiled. Of course, such a great idea for a story. Way to go Jennifer. Love dog stories!
    And way to go Donna.

  5. You make authors and their work shine in your book reviews. You deserve to be quoted more often!

  6. Such an intriguing storyline! This HAS to be a fun book. My congratulations go to all three successes, in this case, Jennifer, Swapan and Donna. I'm looking forward to reading this mystery.
    - Yaya


  7. Jessica, Bev, Joe, Suzanne, TerryLynn, and YaYa...thank you for stopping by and for your lovely words of support. Very touching, thanks!



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