How do I find ideal clients in this economy?
The Working Writer's Club is a professional club for freelance writers, authors, coaches, and speakers providing training, resources, and networking opportunities for its members. The Working Writer’s Club is pleased to share with you the latest writing article from member, Rosey Dow entitled, “How to Find Out Who Your Ideal Client is.”
A sneak peak…
“That was a question one attendee asked in a recent panel I hosted, and it’s not the only time I’ve heard such a question. How can I survive in this economy? How can I convince people to buy in this economy? How can I make this work in this economy? The heartache and discouragement rise like a damp mist over the moors.
The answer comes in 2 parts…”
Visit the Working Writer’s Club today and read Dow’s full article and please feel free to leave your comments or questions so that Ms. Dow can interact with you: http://www.workingwritersclub.com/2011/08/14/how-to-find-out-who-your-ideal-clients-are.
About Rosey Dow
Rosey Dow is a Psychographics Marketing Expert. She creates character studies that reveal WHO your Perfect Prospect is, WHY they buy and HOW to attract them. That’s why she’s called The Prospect Profiler™.
Still puzzled about who your perfect prospects are? Pick up your free assessment at http://theprospectprofiler.com/
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Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
It can be done! I have a niche, which helps, although I need to expand my circle of potential clients.