
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Children's Author Guest Post, Kai Strand ~ Save the Lemmings! A Quotable Story

I am pleased to host my dear friend and fellow children's author today. Kai's latest book, just released is Save the Lemmings. Congratulations Kai! I'm looking forward to reading it and writing my book review in the coming weeks.

Today, Kai is sharing with us her editing process and the unexpected quotable experience she had along the way. Take it away Kai!


by Kai Strand

During the editing process I read my manuscript out loud to my kids. I make note of things, like when they seem to lose interest (which rarely happens - wink) or if they laugh in the right spots. I ask questions at different points of the book to see if they understand the story arc. At the end I always ask what their favorite part was and what the most boring part was.

Reading Save the Lemmings to them resulted in something I hadn’t expected. It has become my most quotable story. It’s surprising how often situations arise to use the favorite quotes.

For example, in one scene the main character Natalie and one of her best friends, Jayne, are working on the case design for Natalie’s invention, the Texty-Talky. Jayne is sitting in front of a computer researching a sturdy material they might build the prototype out of and types into the search bar a misspelling of the word “laminate.” It accidentally pulls up search results for “lemmings” and Natalie discovers a foundation called Save the Lemmings!, which helps prevent the needless suicides of lemmings in the arctic. Jayne is in no way touched by the plight or picture of the adorable yellow steppe lemming and says to Natalie:

“Oh my gosh, you have tears in your eyes. Natalie, we’re working on your invention here. Don’t get distracted by the gross little rodent.”

I can’t count how many times (as a family) we’ve used, “Don’t get distracted by the gross little rodent” in our household. And that was before we got a rabbit!

Another example is a scene near the end. By this point, Natalie’s involvement in the Save the Lemmings! Foundation has become public knowledge. Bad girl, Trudy, who loves to give Natalie a hard time over everything, says to her one day:

“When life gives you lemmings, you make lemmingade. Anyone got a blender?”

My kids use the lemmingade quote when they, or someone they know, faces a difficult decision or situation. Occasionally they inquire after a blender, but that’s usually only when the circumstances need a lot of levity.

Your turn! Share your favorite quote(s) and the books they come from.

About the book: SAVE THE LEMMINGS! 8th grade inventor, Natalie Isabelle Cailean Edwards is the N.I.C.E. girl who finishes last with the kids in school. Sappy inspirational phrases and monochromatic outfits have all but her best friends wrinkling their nose at her. When Natalie’s invention, the Texty-Talky, goes nationwide, she becomes an overnight sensation. Suddenly her days consist of photo shoots and interviews with little time left for her friends. A local reporter shatters her good-girl image by reporting a graffiti incident and the media launches into a smear campaign. It is so bad, even her friends start to believe the stories. Will Natalie be able to overcome the lies being printed about her? Read an excerpt and order your copy of Save the Lemmings here: http://www.featherweightpublishing.com/ShowBook.php?YA=KS_SAVE_LEMMINGS

About the author:  Kai Strand writes fiction for middle grade and young adult readers. Her debut novel, The Weaver, was a finalist in the 2012 EPIC eBook Awards. The Wishing Well: Another Weaver Tale is set in the same storytelling village as The Weaver. She is a (very lucky) wife and the mother of four amazing kids. The most common sound in her household is laughter. The second most common is, "Do your dishes!" She and her family hike, geocache, and canoe in beautiful Central Oregon, where they call home.

To find out more about Kai’s books, download companion documents, find links to her published short stories and discover all the places to find Kai both virtually and in person, visit her website: www.kaistrand.com. She loves to hear from readers, so feel free to send her an email or visit her facebook page, Kai Strand, Author. 


 Best wishes, Donna M. McDine Award-winning Children's Author
Connect with
The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval Recipient and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. Hi Kai,

    It's a pleasure hosting you today. I've enjoyed your post and family quotes!

    Best wishes for your continued success,

    1. Thank you for having me on your blog, Donna. I'm excited to share SAVE THE LEMMINGS with everyone.

  2. Such fun to learn more about the GAP family and Kai sounds like a hoot! Sure the book must be cute as a button!

    1. Thanks, Sharon! Really, it's my family that's fun. I'm just along for the ride.

    2. Congrats on the release of your book, Kai! I look forward to having you on my blog on the 28th.

      I shared your post on FB and Twitter.

      Best of luck with your tour!


  3. I'm so excited for you, Kai. Can't wait to read Save the Lemmings. Congratulations and see you later.


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