
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Book Review: What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z by Lance Johnson

Whether you are a world traveler or not Lance Johnson’s book, What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z provides an insightful first person account of his extensive world travels and experience. Cultures across our vast world often times clash because of our diverse differences and lack of understanding of one another’s customs.

Through Johnson’s willingness and openness to communicate with people throughout the world he begins with a direct and simple question, “What would you like to know about America you were always afraid of asking for fear of offending?” Intuitive conversation ensued practically every time, providing an inspiring opportunity for Johnson to learn about cultures outside his own as well as explaining American culture. Intrigued by the misconceptions foreigners have of America whether abroad or in their own travels to the United States, Johnson documented his extensive conversations resulting in the compilation of What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z.

Lance Johnson’s one-on-one conversational writing style welcomes the reader from the onset. A natural born teacher, Johnson does not preach and keeps it simple with real life examples how the American culture operates. What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z goes well beyond the misdemeanor of personal culture. For to understanding all the components of this extensive guide will educate the reader well beyond their expectations, creating an opportunity to simulate into American culture seamlessly.

What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z is the perfect guide that does not need to be read from start to finish, but rather consumed by section of interest. Get your pen, paper, and highlighter ready for I’m sure any reader will make their own notations, highlight and earmark the pages for future reference for years to come. 


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
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The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval Recipient and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. Sadly I know a lot of Americans who would benefit from that book.

  2. Sounds a facinating book, well done, Lance. You deserve many sales.
    Thank you Donna for sharing.

  3. I have ancestors going back to the American Revolution and I learned (or was reminded of) a few things in this book. I thought the accent reduction section might be especially valuable for foreigners--especially people like foreign students at universities or foreign exchange students.

    PS: Nice to see you here, Diane!

  4. PS: I noticed that Lance linked to your blog, Donna. From www.howtodoitfrugally.com/A_to_Z.htm. Look in the column on the right that lists this new author's reviews, etc. (-: And I'll tweet about it! (-:


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