
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Book Review - Count 1, 2, 3 with Me by Connie Arnold

Title: Count 1, 2, 3 with Me
By: Connie Arnold
Illustrated by Ginger Nielson
Pages: 24 pages
Publisher: 4RV Publishing LLC (October 31, 2013)
ISBN-10: 1940310121
ISBN-13: 978-1940310121

Learning is all around us and it’s important to invoke the curiosity of learning in the next generation. One does not have to be at a desk or within a classroom to learn, our daily travels are an opportunity to learn.

Connie Arnold takes us on a fun filled journey of rhyme and learning how to count to ten through different activities in Count 1, 2, 3 with Me lending a perfect opportunity to discuss what you think happens next. Arnold does a superb job in keeping the attention of the reader through her expert rhyme and story telling technique.

Visit Connie,

The whimsical illustrations created by Ginger Nielson add to the delight of learning rhyme and counting without feeling like you are learning.

Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
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Powder Monkey ~ May 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.

Hockey Agony ~ January 2013 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist


  1. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely review, Donna, and being an important part of my blog tour for Count 1,2,3 With Me and my new devotional, Peaceful Moments of Love and Light. For details about the tour schedule and prize drawings, and to see a cute video, visit http://childrensauthorconniearnold.blogspot.com/2013/11/count-1-2-3-with-me-at-onetruemediacom_3.html. Those commenting here will also be entered for the prize drawings.

    1. Hi Connie,

      It was a pleasure reading and reviewing your latest children's book! Wishing you all the very best with your writing career and personally!



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