Saturday, March 14, 2009

Stories for Children Magazine - Announcements to be Made

Stanley Bookman is in a playful mood and wants to drop some hints about the exciting announcements Stories for Children Magazine will make in April 2009:

Hint 1: What special offer is SFC Magazine offering only on their website in April? Guess you'll have to wait and see. LOL.

Hint 2: What does the Food Network and SFC Magazine have in common? Visit http://storiesforchildrenma... on April 1st to find out.

Hint 3: What five things use SFC in their titles? Visit http://storiesforchildrenma... on April 5th to find out!

Hint 4: How many SFC Granny Award winners from 2008? Find out on April 6th at http://storiesforchildrenma... and read the April issue.


  1. You do love cliffhangers, Donna. Counting the days until April. :)


  2. You're always keeping us in suspense! Nice interview on Alice Pope's blog.



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