
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Virtual Book Tour - Sunstruck by Mayra Calvani

Travel along cyberspace with Ms. Calvani and virtual book tour hosts and immerse yourself in the world of Daniella, an architecture student living with her narcissistic artist boyfriend in San Juan. Abandoned by her father at an early age, Daniella always falls for the ‘wrong’ type of man. Her most enduring male relationship so far has been with her cat.

Several strange mysteries are threaded through Daniella’s everyday life: her ex-husband, Ismael, has just opened an outlandish hotel for animal lovers that has her distraught; Ismael’s wife, a rich woman Daniella fondly refers to as ‘Lady Dracula’, has some gruesome ways to keep her skin looking young; Daniella’s mother is founding a revolutionary, feminist society called The Praying Mantises; the island’s national forest is being depleted of hallucinogenic mushrooms; meanwhile, young girls are disappearing and there’s a nut loose dressed as Zorro slashing the rear ends of women who wear miniskirts. Oppressed by all these eccentric characters, Daniella feels herself falling into an abyss. Then something terrible happens, making Daniella wake from her stupor and take charge of her life.

In celebration of the Sunstruck release, Mayra Calvani is pleased to announce a gift with purchase offer. Purchase Sunstruck http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LYYOWM and receive FREE download e-Book of Dark Lullaby. Email her publicist, Donna McDine donna@donnamcdine.com with your receipt of Sunstruck purchase and receive link to FREE Dark Lullaby e-Book through September 15, 2012. Of course, if you purchase Sunstruck elsewhere please email receipt to Ms. McDine.

Bewitching Book Tours announces the virtual book tour schedule for Mayra Calvani’s latest book, Sunstruck http://bewitchingbooktours.blogspot.be/2012/08/now-on-tour-sunstruck-by-mayra-calvani.html.

About the author: Award-winning author Mayra Calvani has penned over ten books for children and adults in genres ranging from picture books to satire to paranormal fantasy novels. She’s had over 300 articles, short stories, interviews and reviews published in magazines such as The Writer, Writer’s Journal and Bloomsbury Review, among others. She has lived in America, Asia, the Middle East, and now lives in Brussels, Belgium.

Purchase info:

Title: Sunstruck
Author: Mayra Calvani
Author web site: http://www.mayracalvani.com/
Publisher: Twilight Times Books http://twilighttimesbooks.com/
ISBN: 978-1-60619-024-2
Genre: Parody/Satire
Format: ebook in pdf, ePub, Kindle, Mobi, PRC, etc.
Distributors: Amazon Kindle; Apple iBookstore; BN.com Nook; eReader; Fictionwise; Kobo Books; OmniLit; Sony eBookstore, etc.
Release date: July 15, 2012
Price: $2.99 – special offer through September 15, 2012
Pages: 160
Chapter excerpt: http://twilighttimesbooks.com/Sunstruck_ch1.html

About Bewitching Book Tours: Roxanne Rhoads is the brainchild behind Bewitching Book Tours which focuses on new authors, e-Book authors, small and independent press authors, mid-list authors, and authors who do not have a huge marketing budget at their fingertips. Bewitching Book Tours specializes in paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and paranormal erotica book tours though they are open to almost all other fiction genres as well.


 Best wishes, Donna M. McDine Award-winning Children's Author
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The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc. ~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval Recipient and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist

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