
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

2012 International Literary Classics Book Awards - Nancy Stewart

I am pleased to share in the excitement with Nancy Stewart as she announce that two of her children’s books, One Pelican at a Time and Sea Turtle Summer (Guardian Angel Publishing) are finalists in the 2012 International Literary Classics Book Awards.


Final levels and award categories to be announced on October 12!

Please join me in congratulating Nancy! 

Looking forward to hearing the final announcement! 


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
Connect with

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention and Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Donna. I appreciate all your support, both as a friend and fellow author. I am very appreciatiave!


Thank for you taking the time out to visit with me and to learn about my writing career.

Please be sure to leave your blog address so I can reciprocate.

I look forward to visiting you too.