
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Children’s Ezine Guardian Angel Kids: Historical Fiction – October 2012 Issue

Welcome to the GAK October 2012 Historical Fiction issue.

Historical fiction is a fascinating way of learning about history. Through historical fiction writers intertwine facts with a story line that carries the reader into the past for a journey into a time they have not lived in. Cultures, traditions and human habits often times very different from those of present time making the experience that much more interesting.

The GAK staff invites you to transport yourself through time with the every tall and proud Lady Liberty watching over you. Explore the heart pounding travels of Sybil Ludington, Sarah’s fear of the unknown, and a heart wrenching glimpse of one girl’s survival of the Titanic. Learn the facts of historical fiction and how you can teach your young muses about history through activities.

Visit the writers and illustrators in the Guardian Angel Kids October 2012 issue and enjoy the alluring poetry, stories, articles and activities, www.guardian-angel-kids.com.

Letter from the Publisher:  Lynda S. Burch

Featured BookS:

First Americans flip book by Kelly Bakshi

The Golden Pathway flip book by Donna M. McDine and illustrated by K.C. Snider

Children’S poetry, ACTIVITIES, SHORT STORIES, and articleS:

“Lady Liberty,” by Tracy Helixon – tall and proud.

“Sybil Ludington’s Midnight Run,” by Barbara Bockman – the courageous actions of one young girl.

“Sarah’s Journey,” by Patricia Nance and illustrated by Clara Batton Smith – travel excitement and fear of the unknown.

“Titanic,” by 12 year old Katherine and illustrated by Nancy Miller – the love of family and the longing for survival.

“What is Historical Fiction,” by Sharon Blumberg – immerse yourself in the wonders of historical fiction.

“Historical Fiction Activities,” by Kathy Stemke – learn about history through fun activities.

Visit Guardian Angel Kid today and www.guardian-angel-kids.com and enjoy a child safe and ad free Ezine.

We also invite you to stay connected with Guardian Angel Kids through our Facebook Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Guardian-Angel-Kids-Ezine/163785080346247.

Please feel free to drop Editor-in-Chief, Donna McDine an email at submissions@guardian-angel-kids.com and let them know what you think of Guardian Angel Kids and what you'd like to see in the future. They aim to please.

The Guardian Angel Kids Ezine staff and contributors look forward to your visit. Thank you for your time and interest.


Best wishes,
Donna M. McDine
Award-winning Children's Author
Connect with

The Golden Pathway ~ August 2010 ~ Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
~ Literary Classics Silver Award and Seal of Approval, Readers Favorite 2012 International Book Awards Honorable Mention & Dan Poynter's Global e-Book Awards Finalist

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